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Country Friends
Spiller Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson og andre på deres egen måde. Koncert datoer, download musik og video med bandet og tekster til sangene

Danish Friends of Animals - DFA
Kreds af dyrevenner, som arbejder for at hjælpe dyr i nød med udgangspunkt i hundeinternetet på den græske ø Skiathos

Danish Friends of Kimi
En dansk fanklub af køreren Kimi Raikkonen. Præsentation af formel 1 køreren, hans resultater og biografi

Friends International
Foreningen der hjælper børn i fattige lande til et bedre liv. Der satses især på uddannelses projekter, som løfter børn og deres familier ud af fattigdom

The homepage features pictures and info about my friends and me

Frederiksen, Ebbe Lunnemann
Marine painter from Svendborg. Get his inspiration from sailors, family, friends, libraries, museums and studies of the sea

Den lille families fotoarkiv
A collection of photos, interesting for relatives and friends mostly

Sven Caning
Sven Caning,, write me and I will get back to you. I love to hear news from old friends and family

... beep you the next time as well, repeating the reminder daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. Never forget to watch Star-Trek again! So your friends watch Star-Trek as well? Then create a common user for you and your friends, enter multiple e-mail adresses, and you will all be beep'd... And you ...

Untitled Document
... The Campaign calls upon all seekers of justice and friends of Palestine to act in solidarity with our struggle against the Apartheid Wall and Israeli occupation, and to remain critical and expose the political implications of the ICJ decision - whatever its content may be - to support us in ...

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