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Euro School
Multikulturel, international skole med elever fra over 25 lande. Undervisning på dansk, men med betydelig vægt på engelsk fra 1. klasse

Lektiehjælp i matematik
Knud Lindhardt Rasmussen giver lektiehjælpe i matematik på gymnasieniveau

Children´s School of Music
Danish music school for children in a little village offers description of musical projects and mp3-examples

The Kalø School of Languages
Danish folk high school for students of foreign languages offering an international environment with students from all over the world

The Scandinavian School of Piping and Drumming
A summer school in Denmark for pipers and drummers from all over Europe

Rygaards International School
International school located in Hellerup with many international and Danish students

The Travelling Folk High School Lindersvold
The school offers opportunities of work and travel programmes in Africa where you will work hand in hand with the local community towards making a difference. Related to the Danish Tvind organization

The Aarhus School of Business
Official site with details of courses, international programs, and research

The Royal School of Library and Information Scienc
Official site. General information, departments, programmes, consultancy, and facilities

Copenhagen Business School
One of the largest business schools in Europe

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